Weird stuff tonight… 2020 Halloween Stats!

Today is Halloween!

And there’s some weird stuff going on tonight…

– There’s a full moon tonight! This hasn’t happened on Halloween since 1944. So cool!

– Despite the pandemic and huge financial difficulties, Americans will still spend $8.05 Billion this year on Halloween decorations, candy, and costumes. 🤮

– 53% of people plan to decorate their homes this year (although only 4% of people plan to walk around and admire other people’s houses)

– 18% of all pets will wear costumes tonight. That’s roughly 33 million dogs and cats who will have funny photos posted on FB and Insta tonight!

– 72% of parents plan to steal their kids candy after they fall asleep tonight. 😟

– Silly string is still banned in Hollywood… Except the penalty for using silly string has now risen to $1023, because of inflation.

– 12% of people will dress in a superhero costume tonight.

– President Trump plans to go as Batman. Melania will be dressing as Princess Elsa.

– The White House is still holding their annual trick-or-treating party where all of the house-maids, gardeners and security guards will come and ring the front door bell and yell “trick or treat”! Last year, Trump ran out of candy to give out so a couple of the staff members decided to play a trick… They let off a big fart bomb in the white house ball room and it took 3 days to get the smell out! Trump was not happy… But since everyone was in costume, they never caught the culprits and they still work today. Rumor has it they are planning another prank tonight!

Happy Halloween, y’all! Have fun whatever you get up to!

– Joel & Coops

And here are last year’s 2019 stats if you’re interested 🙂


*Feature pic by Marius Ciocirlan