Set a date –> Make a change

This is one of my favorite stories…

A buddy of mine, Kevin, was a successful lawyer years ago. Although his career was going well, he was miserable and stressed at his job.

So, one day he set a calendar appointment exactly 1 year into the future labelled “Quit my job”.

Throughout that year he experimented, learned and tried all sorts of different activities to make money, while having a lot of fun along the way.

And when the 1 year calendar reminder popped up, he promptly quit his job at the law firm and changed the course of his life forever.

He works just as hard today, but is happier and healthier making money on his own terms.


I’m not sure who else out there feels stuck and needs to hear this right now… but it’s never too late to make a change. You can do it.

It’s just a matter of setting a date, taking action, and believing you are built for something better.

Kevin writes a fun blog over at Financial Panther. He has about 50 different side hustles and each month writes about how much money he’s made from them. Check it out 🙂

Have a great day! Don’t be scared of change!
– Joel

Our delicious roast this weekend!