Show up and do your best

Today’s note comes from Jesse from The Best Interest blog! πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡


“My college squash coach is the former world #4 player. A tremendous athlete and a cool dude.

I always think about something he said…

Getting to the top 10 in the world isn’t about playing amazingly and beating other Top 10 players.

It’s about the days when you’re a little off. Or a little tired. Or a little jet-lagged. Or a little inaccurate. And you’re playing some guy who is #30, or #40, or #50 in the world. And he wants to get a big upset by beating you.

You’re at a 4 out of 10. But you still have to find a way to play well enough to win.

You don’t have to play at a top 3 level, or a top 10 level. You don’t have to be the best in the world. All you have to do is play well enough to win. Play well enough to advance in the tournament. Play well enough to play another day.

That is what separates the top 3 from the rest of the top 10. And separates the top 10 from the rest of the top 30. Etc. etc.

You’ll have rough days. But you can still show up and do your best.”


Cheers Jesse for sharing the story!

Wishing you all a productive day, doing your best.
– Joel πŸ’ͺ

Spotted this license plate on our walk. This person deserves a medal! (You get the movie reference?)