Share the goodness – It’s Friday!!

“This note was given to me on my first day in university… It lives now on the wall of my room, whenever I sit on my desk to start studying, I read it and I remember the right choice I made…”


“My husband left this for me a year ago 😀”…


“Five years ago, one of my colleagues left for another job. She was still working when I left that last day at five, just making sure that everything was in good shape. I came in the following Monday to this note on my computer. Still makes me cry when I see it.”…


“My girlfriend gave me on my birthday 3 years ago. The smear in the middle is from a happy, rare tear I shed. I’ve kept this one sentence note in my wallet every single day since I received the gift. It’s still in great condition, despite being put through the laundry, extreme weather, etc. Ultimately, it provides daily inspiration to get out of bed every morning, knowing that I can make a difference in the world.”…


“Dropped this off at a house a few blocks away. We walk past this place all the time and admire their flowers”…


OK… this last note is actually a reply I got from yesterday’s email

“To my sweet Joel… 💕 I just loved your post about the tree today 💕 it made me think of this beautiful Banyan tree at the Ringling museum where I work in Sarasota Florida… If you look closely -you can see this beautiful statue of an angel… and what has happened over the past few years -is that the Banyan tree has grown completely around the angel-(Talk about symbiotic relationships ) 💕so now it almost looks like the angel is trying to peek out of the Banyan tree-But in fact -she was a Beautiful “stand-alone statue of an angel” just a few years ago 💕 your favorite kindergarten teacher “Murph“ 💕


Happy Friday all! Have a great weekend!
– Joel