2019 Valentines Day Statistics


Here are some interesting statistics for you this Valentines Day:

  • 72% of millennials say they would break up with their partner if they forgot Valentine’s Day.
  • The average millennial spends $182 and over 27 hours planning their Valentines Day gifts for their sig-nif other.
  • 54% of men in Italy dress up as Saint Valentine on Feb 14th every year.
  • 6 out of 10 single people buy gifts for their dogs on Valentines Day.
  • But only 4 out of every 10 dogs buy a gift for their owners. 🙁
  • 67% of married couples said they plan to “Netflix and Chill” this Valentines Day.
  • The other 33% don’t know what Netflix and chill means, but will probably end up doing it anyway.
  • In Switzerland, the most common gift to give is a large wooden antique clock. How romantic.
  • Volcanoes around the world are 3 x times more likely to erupt on Feb 14th than any other day of the year.
  • 100% of these facts are completely made up, by yours truly.

Have a great Valentines Day everyone.

I lava you all!

I Lava You!