National “Making Life Beautiful” Day

Happy Friday good people!

Today (apparently) is “National Making Life Beautiful Day”.

I say ‘apparently’ because I suspect this is a recently made up holiday. Just like National Corn on the Cob Day or German Chocolate Cake Day (These are also celebrated today actually)

But hey, anything to do with making life beautiful is fine by me. If people want to celebrate it, I’m down!

How do you celebrate today?

Recognize the people around you that are making life beautiful 🙏

Create beautiful things today in your own life 🌻

– Spread cheer, joy, and happiness into the world to make life beautiful for others 🎉

– Maybe eat some corn on the cob or german chocolate cake too. 😉

Happy Friday! Have fun celebrating!
– Joel

Blogging + Beer + Best Friend. Three beautiful things in my life right now. 🙂