Running at 125% capacity this week…

Happy Tuesday, happy people!

I got back from camping last night and realized I have a bigger workload than usual this week, and have less days to do it all in.

Achieving 5 days of stuff in 4 days time means working at 125% of my usual pace… That’s a tall order! I’m exhausted just thinking about it.

BUT, here are a few simple things I’m planning that will help me kick ass this week:

  1. I’ve just made a massive to-do list of everything that’s on my mind and everything I need to accomplish.
  2. I’ve re-ordered the list based on highest impact items first. I’ve also written a “not to do list” with a couple things on there.
  3. I plan to tackle the biggest, ugliest, hairiest item first. I’m starting right now, as soon as I hit send on this email.
  4. I won’t be checking social media or personal emails until 5pm today. Eliminating distractions has a HUGE impact on my productivity.
  5. I will have a positive attitude towards my work this week! Returning from a fun long weekend gives me that “back to reality” feeling. But, I’m reminding myself that I control my reality. This week is going to be as awesome as I make it.

Maybe some of these things can help you run at 125% capacity this week too?

Make it a good one,
– Joel

This is what our weekend looked like in Sequoia National Forrest!