Tough times, but it’s gonna be OK.

Hey all! Happy Tuesday!

Sorry for going dark the last couple days, and thanks to those who reached out checking in. We had an emergency in my family, but thankfully everything is OK…

Long story short, my Mum wasn’t feeling great on Sunday morning and went to the hospital. They found a brain aneurysm that needed to be clipped, so she went into surgery shortly after. ALL went well. It’s freaking amazing the technology and how quickly the doctors can move these days!!!

Mum is out of the ICU already and in a recovery ward. She’s eating, drinking, making small talk, but mostly resting and tired. The docs are expecting a full recovery. She asked the doctor how she was doing on a scale of 1-10… He said 9, and she only lost a point because she just had brain surgery. 🙂 Mum says to tell everyone that she is “doing better than everyone else” in the ICU. Even in a horrible situation my Mum remains grateful and positive. She is freaking amazing!

Sadly, the South Australian COVID restrictions are hindering me from flying down and being there in person with her right now. (Quarantine rules might ease next week). My awesome Dad and sister are there with her and there’s an abundance of love and support from all our friends/family.

Thanks again everyone for the well wishes and love during this tough time.

Catch you all tomorrow!
– Joel ❤️