When everyone around you is winning

“Just because everyone around you is winning, that doesn’t mean that you are losing”

People are making a ton of money investing right now. They are killing it in their careers. They’re happy and thriving. There are countless world issues going on, yet everywhere I look, people seem to be doing really well. I’m confused.

Sometimes I look at everyone else winning and think, “why am I not winning like that? I must be losing”.

Then I slap myself, and repeat these reminders:

  • Comparison is the thief of joy. Stop. it. now.
  • When you look at others, you’re comparing your inside (feelings) to their outside (appearance). It’s not a fair comparison, because it’s not the complete story.
  • Other people’s path has nothing to do with your path. Focussing on YOUR strengths and bettering yourself should be your focus.
  • If you really think about it, you probably are winning. Roof over head ✅ food on table ✅ people that care about you ✅.

So keep in mind…

“Just because everyone around you is winning, that doesn’t mean that you are losing”


From the archives, a young Joel, circa 1988. He is winning for sure.