Why are you smiling so much?

I was at the bank yesterday, and a teller lady looked over at me and asked, “What are you smiling about? Why are you so happy today?”

Honestly there was nothing really special about yesterday. I was just smiling because I like smiling!

I told her I was cheesin’ for no reason! About 10% of the time I’m happy because I’m celebrating something, and the other 90% of the time I’m happy for no reason at all. Life is just better when you walk around with a smile on your face. 😊


To Do Today: If you see someone without a smile, give them one of yours. You don’t need a reason. Happiness is contagious, regardless of the source.

Keep on cheesin’!
– Joel

A reader Stacie just sent me this pic — she cut into this bell pepper and it reminded her to SMILE. 😍