Today = a worldwide celebration of generosity 👐

Happy #GivingTuesday!!

Now that Black Friday, Cyber Monday, Turkey Thursday and Sexytime Sunday are all over 😉… it’s time to get back to what the holiday season is *truly* all about!… GIVING and HELPING others!

#GivingTuesday is an opportunity for people around the world to come together through generosity in all its forms by sharing acts of kindness and giving their voice, time, money, goods, and advocacy to support communities and causes.”

Today I’m continuing my $5 anonymous drops to neighbors with cool lights and decorations up! And I’ve got a bag of clothes destined for Goodwill 🙂

Need some ideas of good stuff you can do today? There are about 30 ideas listed on this GivingTuesday website, or, just make something simple up yourself?

Any giving = good giving.

Make it a good one,
– Joel

Not a great photo, but these are some of my Christmas lights! Our front tree is also now covered in market lights so we can hang with the neighbors out front when it gets dark at 4.30pm!