Another “outrageously generous” story…

Mornin’ mornin’!!

Remember my “outrageously generous” friend, Steve?

Well he just sent me another cool story I wanted to share with you guys…

“After our family church zoom call I got to thinking about how Mary and Joseph probably felt not being able to find shelter. So I called up a few extended stay motels in rough areas of town (the kind people live in but don’t want to) and paid for a few more nights for people that were slated to get kicked out. I hope the desk staff were sincere and will honor the request and get it to a worthy residents, but that’s on them and the resulting karma attached. I can’t think of anything more “Christmas” than providing someone shelter on Christmas Eve. I couldn’t even tell my kids what I did without choking up.”

Pretty amazing, right?

Not just the act of kindness, but think about the ripple effect… The people who got shelter, the motel staff, others who hear the story… Showing kindness really lifts EVERYONE around.

Thanks for reading, and have fun this week! Live like it’s the last week of 2021! (oops it IS the last week of 2021 😉)

Love, Joel

Walking in a winter wonderland! My bro’s neighborhood has a bunch of parks and walking trails we are enjoying 🙂