Spending my Sunday minutes…

There are 1,440 minutes inside today.

About 480 of those will be spent sleeping…

So that leaves us about 960 minutes to do all our other stuff.

Today, I’m gonna spend my 960 minutes:
– Reading and relaxing ✅
– Cooking delicious meals with my wife and friends ✅
– Laughing and joking around ✅
– Complimenting and helping others ✅
– Doing outside activities ✅

I will not waste any of my 960 minutes on:
– Stressing about work tomorrow ❌
– Complaining or gossiping ❌
– Watching mindless TV or social media ❌
– Grudging, judging or arguing ❌
– Comparing myself to others ❌


How are you spending your Sunday minutes?

Make it a good one!
– Joel

Ps. One of the most common questions I get asked is “How do you stay happy and positive all the time?”

I’ve answered this question many times. But now I’d like to ask you the same thing. If you have a few minutes, can you tell me:

  • How do you cheer yourself up?
  • If you’re in a bad mood, how do you snap yourself out?
  • Any tricks to switch from negative to positive thinking?

Reply to this email and share your tips. I’ll collate them and send them to the group. This is how we all get better, together 🙂

Cheers! 🍻